March of the Penguins

March of the Penguins

Imagine walking 70 miles through extreme cold weather, snow in your face and not eat for 3 or 4 months once you arrive at your destination… That’s what this movie is about. The Emperor Penguins do this every year to get to their brooding place. And this movie is impressive to say the least. It’s a wonderful documentary, narrated by Morgan Freeman, who does a great job. There are very comical moments in the movie, like 2 penguins diving into a tiny hole in the ice at the same time, and very sad moments, like when a couple looses their egg, or when one of the chicks dies. Definately a must see for everybody who cares even remotely for these curious animals.

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Lost Withdrawal

If you’re like me suffering from Lost Withdrawal (the next episode is about a month away) you might want to check out the The Transmission, a Lost podcast. This week they did an excellent one, where all sorts of lost theories (some a tad farfatched but nevertheless interesting) get discussed. Ofcourse you can also check out the older episodes where the individual shows get discussed. Furthermore it’s really way done, it’s a lot of fun to listen to Ryan and Jenn. It sure made me more aware of all the details and background that is in this show. Easily the best one on TV at the moment ;).

Dead at Archive.Org

Earlier this week, Grateful Dead’s management asked to stop making the Grateful Dead shows they have, available for download. The Dead have always been kind to tapers, having tapers section for audience recording at their shows and encouraging tape trading amongst their fans. So this came as a big surprise, and resulted in an outcry amongst fans. Apparently a compromise has been reached and the audience recordings will be back at There is a statement now at their site. Another nice article at the NY times site that sums up the events. David Gans is making some interesting comments on his blog.

Phil Lesh responded on his site with this statement:
Continue reading Dead at Archive.Org

Sony Online Entertainment – Bad Business Practise

Update: Soe is now offering a refund, probably due to the massive complaints they received and/or to avoid bad presss.

I played SWG for a few months on the European Infinity server. Especially in the 1st 2 months or so, I had a lot of fun. (Thanks to OneHungLow, Cara, Azul, Skevans, Cami, Zaknafein and others I might have forgotten). But the constant changing of the game, horrible lag and especially the huge bugs, made me quit and pick up WoW and now City of Villains. Also their price of $30,- for yet another expansion (trials of Obi Wan) with little content pissed me off. But I still read the forums and listen to the Galaxy Report podcast to see what’s up.

Much to my surprise, there was a LOT up on the forums today when I checked them out, read about the new combat upgrade (though they call it new and exciting changes this time around) :

Star War Galaxies revamp announced, ONE DAY after expension goes live. SOE deceived their customers into buying a $30,- expansion, knowing most of the stuff you can get in that expansion will be useless once this revamp goes live on Nov. 15th.

Continue reading Sony Online Entertainment – Bad Business Practise