WordPress 2.2

The new wordpress version is out. Upgrading was a painless affair, except for the fact that FileZilla skipped two files (wp-login.php and one other) so I couldn’t log on to the blog anymore. But that was easily fixed by uploading those 2 files seperately. The Template only broke in the bottom part, the links were suddenly also showing ratings (all 0 since that feature isn’t turned on). Changing a true to false in the get_links call fixed that. Though I thought that was very odd, dont know why that creeped up after the upgrade to 2.2. Now I am off, checking what else 2.2 has to offer ;).

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Basically I have too many interests. I like to read, play PC games (ESO and various builder / factory type games), watch movies, listen to music, and tweak PC's, browse the web and read news on Reddit and hang out on twitch and discord. My dayjob is Software Engineer!